This is where you set the shape that you want to draw with your group. You have three options

  • Rectangle
  • Numbers
  • Custom Shape


The group is to be arrange so that it appears as a rectangle the same shape as the camera frame, with a gap (specified in Border) between the edge of the group and the edge of the photo. Note that the calculator assumes a standard full frame aspect ratio of 2:3.


The group is to be arrange into two numbers. When you set the Shape to "Numbers" two drop-down fields will appear which allow you to select the two numbers you want to use.


To simplify the measurement and layout of the number shapes on site, the numbers are based a digital clock style numbers made up of vertical lines and horizontal bars. If you want to use other number styles then set the Shape to "Custom" and draw the numbers you want with the Custom Shape editor (see next section).

Custom Shape

The Keystone Calculator lets you draw any shape you want using the Custom Shape editor. When you set the Shape to "Custom" the blue Draw button will appear. 

Drawn Shape Button

Click on the Draw button to enter the Custom Shape editor. See How to Drawn a Custom Shape for more information.

Drawing Shapes in Multiple Colours (Pro Version only)

GroupCalc Pro allows you to draw custom shapes using up to four (4) colours. For example, you might want to have the entire canvas area filled with people wearing blue, with others in red forming square in the middle. In additional to calculating the size and shape of the group, the calculator will tell you how many people need to be dressed in each colour to form your shape.

 Custom Shape using Multiple Colours

